Terms of Use and Fulfillment Policy
Last updated: March 25, 2024
TailorBuilt Solutions, LLC, is a fine payment service provider for municipalities in the United States.
General Refund and Cancellation Policy
TailorBuilt Solutions provides a court fines payment website on behalf of municipalities within the United States.
No physical products are sold through the website.
To begin a refund, first contact the court of jurisdiction handling the court fines for which your payment was
made to discuss the purpose of the refund. This will prevent a possible reissuing of your court fines and
reopening of your ticket/citation collection processing.
After contacting the court of jurisdiction, contact TailorBuilt Solutions at 662-222-2913 to allow our
representatives begin the refund process. All refunds will be made to your original form of payment.
Credit card refunds will be processed within 5 business days of the request.
Contact Us
If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, You can contact us:
By email: payments@tailorbuilt.com